7 Steps To Take If Your Pipes Burst
Homeowners have more control over pipe bursts than they think. While actual repairs must be left for professionals, there are some things you can do to minimize the water damage.
Read MoreThe time to prepare for extreme weather is before it comes.
Extreme cold weather can be hard on both you and your home. Here are some tips to put into practice when freezing weather, snow, and ice hit your area.
Read MoreThe plumbing system in the average home uses far more water than required. Wasted water doesn’t only mean more pollution for city or county water customers, but it also means waster money on unnecessarily high water bills.
Read MoreWhen you're thinking of remodeling your home, your focus probably turns to paint colors, lighting, fixtures, and stylish new appliances. If your home has flooded, you are focused on getting repairs done. Many homeowners often neglect an important first step: making sure the pipes and plumbing system are in good condition before cosmetic renovations commence.
Read MoreIf the pipes in your home are outdated galvanized, a replacement is inevitable. You may be wondering how long these pipes will last and how you can determine when it is time to replace them. What are the indications it is time to replace your galvanized pipes?
Read MoreTo avoid these home repair nightmares, know where you stand with your plumbing system. Is your home using low-quality copper pipes or galvanized pipes to supply water? Is it time to replace your plumbing system now? Do they have a little life left in them, but it’s time to start a replacement fund? Call the experts at We Do Repipes. We will come out and look at your plumbing system, give you a quote for replacement, whether you are ready to do it today or in 6 months
Read MoreIf you have aged galvanized pipes in your home or failing copper pipes, a repipe is inevitable. Delaying could result in large leaks that could flood and damage your home and property.
Right now, you can get a deal of a lifetime on our 5-Star Repipe Services. We Do Repipes Inc is currently offering 40% off whole house repipes. We also have no payment, no interest for 12 months financing available.
Read MoreThe average cost of a repipe is based on a few variables. Those variables include the geographical location of your home, the material used to replumb your home, the size of your home, and the number of water fixtures in your home.
Read MoreInvaluable Expertise. Superior Results. At We Do Repipes Inc, we live by these words, proving on every project that our years of Repiping experience in Houston gives our customers the best possible result.
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Invaluable Expertise. Superior Results. At We Do Repipes Inc, we live by these words, proving on every project that our years of Repiping experience in Houston gives our customers the best possible result. When you hire a professional repiping company as We Do Repipes, you are entrusting your most valuable possession to the best Repiping Company in Houston, Texas.
Read MoreInvaluable Expertise. Superior Results. At We Do Repipes Inc, we live by these words, proving on every project that our years of Repiping experience in Houston gives our customers the best possible result.
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Repiping, by definition, is replacing the pipes in a home or building. It is a complete replacement for your water supply plumbing system. This process usually includes removing the old readily accessible pipe and then installing the new plumbing system.
Read MoreThe problem with old galvanized pipes is you may not know you have a problem until you have a major problem. Don’t wait until you have a major problem.
Read MoreWhat’s the best pipe to repipe my home? What pipe should I install in new construction. The truth about PEX, copper, and CPVC. Matt, a builder from Austin, TX provides the goods in his youtube video. Listen in.
Read MorePlumbing Piping explained.
Read MoreLearn how to inspect your galvanized plumbing with a local Houston Home Inspector. Where to look? What to look for? Take special note if your are looking to purchase or sale a home in the near future.
Read MoreDon’t make the mistake of not considering your plumbing system before your remodel.
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